29 Jul 2016

Blog Tour: No Turning Back (A review)

The blurb:
She only wanted to save her daughter. 
She didn't mean to kill anyone...did she?

When radio presenter Anna Graves and her daughter are attacked on the beach by a crazed teenager, Anna reacts instinctively to protect her baby.

But her life falls apart when the school boy dies from his injuries. The police believe Anna's story, until the autopsy reveals something more sinister...

The evidence seems to connect Anna to a decades-old serial murder case. Is she really as innocent and she claims? And is killing ever justified, if it saves a child's life?

My thoughts:

I had no idea what to expect of No Turning Back when it arrived in the post. This is the first book of Tracy Buchanan's that I've read (I know, I'm terrible) and so I didn't really have much to go on, besides the blurb and the reassurance that Buchanan is a great writer. I think this actually worked in my favour, to be honest, as I was able to go in open minded with zero preconceived ideas.

The incident with Anna and the young boy who is killed, Elliot, happens within the first couple of chapters and instantly had me gripped and unable to wait for more. I was hooked straight away, tearing through this book in one sitting - I couldn't put it down!

In the beginning, I didn't really know what to think of Anna, her mental state and general well-being. As I delved further into the story I did find myself questioning her and her motives, not fully trusting her. I did have to keep reminding myself, however, that she had a traumatic experience and that isn't something you get over quickly, if ever.

I really enjoyed the little snippets from the 'Ophelia Killer' case throughout - I was so intrigued and couldn't wait to find out who it was and how the death of Elliot could be connected. I had so many different theories that it seemed to change with every chapter, I'm pretty sure I suspected everyone at some point even though I had absolutely no clue of what was happening and what was coming next. Having said that, I was gobsmacked when all was revealed - the plot twist (well, the last one) is so very clever and well thought out!

I won't go into too much detail as I don't want to give anything away and I think it is more enjoyable to read without any preconceptions. Tracy Buchanan has written a fantastic, thrilling psychological thriller here, keeping readers gripped from the onset - I would not hesitate in recommending this book (I've already thrust it in my sister's face) and I'm now going onto Amazon to purchase her other stories! 

Special thanks to Avon for sending me a review copy. You can buy No Turning Back here, follow Tracy on Twitter and say hello!

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