There's so many books out there that I've read which I think deserve to be reviewed and shared. So, from now on I will be posting up a review of a book, every Thursday, which I've read and that isn't necessarily seen as 'newly released'. And today marks the first.
If you asked me to list my all time favourite books this would be up there for sure. I read this a few years ago and really think it deserves a review.
Here's what the blurb says:
Like every woman, Kate thought she'd never meet the love of her life... Until she did. But are the destined to be together?
Kate Miller has lived in New York for three long years. Now, with her father ill, its time to come home and face everything she left behind...
Her friends: Zoe and Francesca, bound to her forever as a result of one day when life changed for them all. Her family: her adored father and his much younger wife. The job: she abandoned on a glossy woman's magazine. And, the man she thought was the love of her life, whose heart she has broken.
What really happened before Kate left London? And can she pick up the pieces and allow herself to love again?
Here's what I thought:
I'm not going to lie, it took me a few chapters to really get into Kate's story. It was a bit frustrating because all you are given is little snippets and hints - which meant it was a bit slow and you weren't really understanding the information you were being given. Like, why was she so distant and uncomfortable around her supposed "best friend"? BUT all these questions get answered so in the end I loved it.
Towards the half-way mark, there comes a massive twist and you learn of the event which took place and made Kate flee London. Everything suddenly becomes clear and makes so much more sense - I even found myself reading back through some passages and enjoying them so much more because I fully understood everything and why Kate and co. were acting the way they did.
The reason that this is one of my favourites is because it brought out such strong emotions in me. I laughed, I cried, I got angry and exasperated, and at some points I just wanted to scream. I was there the whole way through with Kate, and felt the pain and love alongside her.
This story is not a casual, forget it after you read, story - it will stay with you for a very long time. It's what Harriet Evans is best at. There's love, romance and laughter, but there's always a twist - and that's what I love. You never know what's coming next.
You can buy The Love of Her Life here or at any good bookshop. You should follow Harriet on Twitter and check out her website to learn about her other books.
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